Artist of the Day - Freya Guest - Tuesday 24th June
We are pleased to announce the 21st edition of Artist of the Day. This two week exhibition showcases the work of ten emerging artists chosen not by the gallery, but by established professional practitioners who have each nominated a talent of their choice.
Our second 2014 Artist of the Day is Freya Guest, a painter selected by Katie Pratt:
I'm a bit like Doctor Frankenstein when I paint: in the dark, digging up bodies. I crudely sew the limbs together, working tirelessly and desperately to bring something to life. I see my paintings having the character of Frankenstein's monster - banished to the fringes of civilisation, harbouring nothing but good intentions yet finding themselves betrayed by appearances. Freya Guest
Freya has the rare facility to approach each painting afresh, with a determined intention that lends each work its distinctive characteristics. Her practice charts constant concerns through the reinvention of genres (interiors, still-lifes, the art of 'abstracting'…) with enthusiastic references to Modernist and contemporary painting. Katie Pratt
Freya will exhibit her work for one day only at our Cork Street Gallery space on Tuesday 24th June.
Opening Hours: 11am - 7pm
Refreshments: 12 - 2pm